What do you do with my information?
Unlike many websites and services, we don't sell or give your private data to anyone. Your name, email address, phone number, and other personal details are only shared with the organizers of groups and events you join. We may analyze data you share on B here in order to provide you with personalized recommendations for groups and events you might be intereted in, but we never give your personal data to anyone. You can read our privacy policy for further details.

How do you make money?
Firstly, the purpose of B here is not primarily to make money - it's about facilitating social change. However, we do have income from:

The money we make from these sources goes toward:

Are there discounts for non-profits?
No. The per-user and per-message costs for using B here are calculated based on our infrastructure costs, and are already as low as we can make them. Soon, however, you will be able to apply for a grant to help fund your group. Our grant review board will review grant applications periodically.

How can I help?
Sign up, join a group, help with an event. If you want, recruit some friends and start your own group. But most importantly, meet some people, do some good work, and have fun! Volunteering is an enormously rewarding experience.

When will you add feature X?
Our developers work from a roadmap of features to refine and build. You are welcome to contact us with your feedback and suggestions. We appreciate and review all comments.

What about people who can't (or won't) sign up on B here?
In these cases, organizers can manually add commitments to the schedule with a note indicating the spot is filled by someone who is not a B here user.